Friday, September 25, 2009


Urbana Courier-Herald September 25, 1908


A bold, bad burglar, evidently acquainted with the surroundings, entered the basement of the Flatiron store Wednesday evening and after demolishing a cash register worth $300, decamped with $45 which had been left therein.

The intruder did not molest any of the stock and did not attempt to open the safe upstairs which was protected by lights left burning. He confined his operations entirely to the basement and was so satisfied with his hau1 that he threw away a check for $36, which was afterwards recovered under the Main street bridge.

The burglar gained entrance by creeping under the Main Street bridge, wading the Boneyard to a window under the concrete walk north of the building, and then smashing the glass with some instrument and unlocking the window from the aperture thus made. The rest was easy, for evidently he knew just where to find the register.

There was one thing that the clever knight of the jimmy overlooked and that was the fact that he had left footprints from his muddy shoes and this, the police hope, may prove his undoing.

The prints measure just 10 1-2 inches in length, showing that visitor was either a boy or a small man. He was tracked to a point in the rear of Ed Benton's furniture store where the marks were lost.

Knew Money Was There.
"I am confident that I was watched by that fellow," said Wallace Harper, manager of the basement.

"Money had not been left in the register more than once, or twice since the store opened, and it seems strange that he should chose one night out of two years. And again he could not locate the windows from the street, so he must have been down here looking around before we closed up."

Have No Suspects.
"I don't know whom to suspect, said Chief McKinney.

The police are now on the trail and have hopes of learning something before many days. They are inclined to believe that a boy did the job, as a man would hardly have stopped to bother with a double handful of pennies, as did this midnight visitor

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