Saturday, October 3, 2009

Restores Nature's Wasted Powers

Some ads from the March 6, 1869 edition of The Quincy Whig.

Judson's Mountain Herb Pills
"Tis true, `tis pity, pity `tis true," that mankind will pass by unheeded the warning symptoms of disease and neglect the remedies to restore health, until disease has so far advanced that it is often impossible to obtain relief. We have been shown the formula of Judson's Mountain Herb Pills, and believe them to be the best and simplest of medicines for Billious disorders, Liver Complaints, Female Irregularities, &c. They are prepared with great caution, and will save many a doctor's bill if used in time. As an universal family medicine they are unsurpassed. Give the Mountain Herb Pills a fair trial and we warrant you will never be without them. Sold by all dealers.

Plantation Bitters
Plantation Bitters combine rare medicinal virtues with a delicious aroma, and a flavor grateful to the palate. It is purely vegetable, and in its composition all the requisites of science have been complied with. It is suitable for all ages and sexes. It is gentle, stimulating and soothing . All dyspeptic disorders are cured by it, and it repairs and restores nature's wasted powers. Plantation Bitters are increasing daily in favor with all classes. It relieves suffering, renders life a luxury, brightens the present, and throws a hopeful light on the future.

Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative
"A springing joy, a pleasure, which no language can express," is imparted to every processor of luxurious head of hair, which only Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative can impart. This is the only preparation to which a "Medal" has ever been awarded. —St. Joseph Union.

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