Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Daily Illini February 25, 1922

Hull House Founder Will Lecture In Auditorium Under Women's Auspices

Jane Addams, famous all over the world as a social worker, lecturer and author will speak at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Auditorium. Miss Addams will apear under the auspices of the Champaign and Urbana women's club.

Authorities consider Miss Addams the best interpreter of social and political problems and the most prominent American woman now active in public life. Tomorrow she will give her views on "The United States and its Relations to World Problems."

Dr. Hieronymus Entertains
During her brief stay at the University she will be the guest of Dr. H. E. Hieronymus and Mrs. Hieronymus. She will leave late Sunday afternoon for Bloomington where she will speak that evening.

Besides being prominent in public activities, and the founder of the Hull House in Chicago, Miss Addams is the author of "The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets," "A New Conscience and an Ancient Evil," "Newer Ideals of Peace." and other books.

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