Being married three times in 1904 aeems to have been unusual enough to have been worth a news story. January 12, 1904 Urbana Courier-Herald.
Claude Titus Again Before the
Has Been Kept Busy Getting Married Ever
Since He Was Twenty-One Years
The eyes of the Rev. Dr. W. A. Smith of the First Methodist church of Champaign opened wide as he came into his study yesterday afternoon and gazed upon a blushing, couple that hand In hand stood awaiting him. "Bless me," murmured the good divine as. he eyedv the shrinking figure of the groom, Claude Titus, whose 200 pounds of manly six-feet had shrunk until it scarcely towered above the pretty little woman whose dainty white hand kept a firm, hold on the first three fingers of his type works. "Bless me," again, ejaculated the Rev. Mr. Smith, "that man looks like he had never been married before."
"Oh, that is the way he looks every time he gets married," answered the bride-to-be as she sternly whispered to the groom-elect "Now stand up straight and look as pleasant as possible."
In a few minutes it was all over but the cigars and the groom heaved a sigh of relief as he pressed the customary envelope into the hands of the minister and led his blushing bride to the carriage that awaited them at the curb.
Mr. Titus enjoys the reputation of being one of the swiftest all around printers in the twin citiiss and holds down the position of night make-up man on The Courier. His matrimonial experience has been, wide and varied and he is still young. Still on the sunny side of thirty. Mrs. Jeanette Himmelbauer, the bride that he led to the altar yesterday afternoon is the third one to cast her bread upon the waters of the matrimonial sea with him.
Mr. Titus was interviewed by a representative of this paper last evening and consented to talk with the express understanding that he was not talking for publication.
"Marriage has been something of a failure with me up to the present time, but this is my third venturer and if there is any virtue In the third time I surely ought to break, away from my hoodoo. I've succeeded in getting married once every three years since I attained my majority and I'm getting a little tired of buying marriage licenses, besides its getting monotonous. The little lady who will now make me happy has once before tried the matrimonial stunt and with the varied experiences we both have had we ought to make a pretty good team. Have a cigar."
The friends of both the young people were greatly surprised at the wedding as there had been no intimation given out that there was any such thing doing. Mrs. Himmelbauer arrived from her former home at Terra Haute yesterday morning and after the ceremony notified her friends by wire of what had occurred. The young couple will make their home at 310 East University avenue, for the present
Another One Bites the Dust
8 years ago
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