T. J. Somers of Somer Township Injured.
Thrown from Wagon and Collar Bone Broken and Shoulder Dislocated - Runaway on East Main Street.
T. J. Somer of Somer township received an injury yesterday that came near proving very serious if not fatal. As it is Mr. Somers is suffering from a broken bone and although it has been set and the patient appears to be doing nicely, the full extent of-his injuries cannot be fully determined. It is possible that he may have sustained internal Injuries that have not yet made themselves apparent. Mr. Somers was hauling a big load of rails on his farm and drlving a pair of horses to the wagon that were "feeling their oats." They preceded along in orderly fashion for a short-ways and then stopped suddenly. Mr. Somers was thrown to the ground violently and rendered unconscious. When he was picked up it was found that his collar bone was broken and his shoulder dislocated. A physician from this city was summoned, who set the broken bone and left the injured man in a comfortable condition.
Another accident that resulted less seriously was the runaway yesterday afternoon on Bast Main street in which Rufus and Tod Smith and their young sister figured. Just off the pavement on East Main street one of the shafts became loose. This frightened the horse, which began to run. The buggy was overturned into a ditch at the roadside, the three occupants thrown out and the vehicle reduced to splinters. None of those figuring in the accident sustained any injury.
Another One Bites the Dust
8 years ago
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